
BEING JOHN MALKOVICH (United States of America)
Director: Spike Jonze



Sala Luís de Pina

7 May at 6.30pm (Mon)



Director: Spike Jonze With: Cameron Diaz, John Cusack, John Malkovich, Catherine Keener Screenplay: Charlie Kaufmann Music: Carter Burwell Editor: Eric Zumbrunnen Director of photography: Lance Acord Language: English, with Portuguese subtitles For audiences over: +16 Release year: 1999 Running time: 112 min.


Spike Jonze is the versatile filmmaker behind the acclaimed films Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Where the Wild Things Are and Her. His films are characterized by existentialist reflections and discussions about the contemporary world and its conflicts extending to the future. Actor, director and producer, he earned an Oscar nomination for directing his first feature film, 1999’s Being John Malkovich, and then won an Oscar 14 years later for writing the film Her. Creative director at VICE media, he started as a photographer in the late 1980s for Freestylin’, a skateboarder magazine. That led to a career making short films and music videos, with several awards. A portfolio that includes Sonic Youth, Daft Punk, Björk, Beastie Boys or Arcade Fire.


Maxine’s puppet: “Tell me, Craig, why do you love puppeteering?”
Craig’s puppet: “Well, Maxine, I’m not sure exactly. Perhaps the idea of becoming someone else for a little while. Being inside another skin, thinking differently, moving differently, feeling differently.”