Cie Betty BoiBrut’ (France)
13 May at 10.30am and 2.30pm (Fri) - Schools
14 and 15 May at 11.30am and 4.30pm (Sat, Sun) - Families
Portuguese Premiere
⇨ TICKETS ONLINE Tickets: Schools 3€ <18 | 1€ schools Families 3€ < 18 | 7€ > 18 +info
Technique: Tangram, objects Language: Without words Age guidance: +4 Runs: 30 min.
A marvellous tangram, manipulated in the face of a great wooden cube, creating an infinity of scenarios.
Karl is a square man. Perhaps even too square. He lives in an isolated lighthouse in the middle of the ocean. He turns the light on and off every day, and that seems to be enough for his happiness. But one of his small triangles is different. He's tired of this routine. A curious dreamer, it sets off to discover the world... A shock for our square Karl!
Karl feels incomplete and decides to look for him, but during this search, he will have to reinvent his way of looking at things, round off the angles and play with the unexpected. There are rules. There is life. Karl knows the rules well and they are comforting, but now he will also learn to laugh. This discovery of the world will lead Karl to become more flexible... and smooth things over!
A show with a tangram manipulated on a screen of a large wooden cube, which shows that an obstacle is just a door to cross in order to discover new things. The wooden shapes move and transform, as if by magic, creating an infinity of scenarios and familiar characters that surprise and delight us.

The Cie Betty BoiBrut’ was created in 2010 and is directed by Nathalie Avril and Lucie Gerbet. The company has two shows on tour, La Roul'Hot and Karl, in addition to carrying out several educational activities. Betty BoiBrut’ is an association of different energies, grounded in the sharing of common human and artistic values, in which different skills come together.

Concept, direction and scenography: Nathalie Avril, Lucie Gerbet Outside eye: Nadège Tard Manipulation: Nathalie Avril, Lucie Gerbet, Nadège Tard, Aude Rivoisy, Laetitia Baranger Musical composition: David Charrier Lighting design: Guillaume Cousin Technical direction: David Charrier, Romain Voisinne Diffusion: Marion Long Administration: Le Pont des Arts Photography: Laetitia Baranger Artistic residencies: La Mothe Achard, Le Fuzz’Yon, Saint Hilaire de Riez, Notre Dame de Monts, La Balise - Communauté de Communes de Saint Gilles Croix de Vie Support: Ville de Saint Hilaire de Riez