The Tempest
A Tarumba
by William Shakespeare
“The Tempest“ or “The Enchanted Island” premiered on 10th December 1997 at Centro Cultural de Belém.
The last work from Shakespeare, a magical comedy, was for the first time, created from mechanical processes capable of provoking feelings: the shipwreck, the magic island, the power of the spirits, the mystery and the love are a part of this passionate stormy universe.
The tragedy of the ambitious and pure spirits: two ideal characters - Prospero and Miranda; two fantasy characters - Ariel and Caliban; two ridiculous characters - Stephano and Trinculo; and two evil characters – Antonio and Sebastian. It is the story of three plots in Prospero’s island; a love story in an exotic place full of spirits and strange sounds; the concert of human passions: egoism, despotism, jealousy, hate, ambition, love, innocence... The Theatre of the World.
"They are 12 puppets animated by several types of manipulation, as well as the articulation of old and contemporary techniques. The result is a perspire of feelings by the hands of carefully conceived figures. This show is another attempt to divulge the great authors."
-Diário de Notícias (12th December 1997)
"A show you must not miss, adapted by a company that has been developing new experiences in the field of puppetry."
-Semanário (12th December 1997)
Artistic direction, concept and puppets: Luís Vieira Adaptation and musical research: Luís Vieira, Rute Ribeiro Puppeteers: Rute Ribeiro, Fernanda Cruz, Paulo Figueiredo, Catarina Fonseca, Luís Vieira Scenography and costumes: João Cardoso, Luís Vieira Seamstress: Elvira Martins Shoes: Rute Ribeiro Stage machinery, props and technical support: António Lino Scene assistance and special effects: Pedro Barros, Carla Ferreira Photography: Pedro Barros Technique: String puppets