Oligor y Microscopía: Opening show of Descon'FIMFA!

5 to 9 August

Teatro do Bairro

We are very much looking forward for the premiere of the new show by Oligor y Microscopía (ES-MEX): La Melancolía del Turista [The Melancholy of the Tourist].


A delicate theatre-cinema will take us on a journey through the secret life of objects landscapes and lost paradises. 


"The melancholy of the tourist makes us see places that were or tried to be paradises, like Acapulco, and that, little by little, became ghosts, swallowed by decay, but without ever losing their strange brightness. The couple's poetic machine shows photographs, postcards, toys, miniatures, shadows and music that rises in whispers, at dusk, like a light breeze. Objects and half-lights of a disappeared but eternal summer: one does not get to know what is lived and what was invented by them. The theatre of this two artists is a delicate jewel of intimate ceremonies (..)."
-Marcos Ordóñez, El País


"La Melancolía del Turista" at Teatro do Bairro - Opening show of Descon'FIMFA Lx20!
Atenção: Lotação limitada! Para saber mais.


5 a 8 de agosto às 21h30 (qua a sáb)
8 e 9 de agosto às 19h (sáb, dom)
Bilheteira online
8€ / 6€ (se comprar 3 ou mais bilhetes para espetáculos do Descon’FIMFA no Teatro do Bairro. +info