FIMFA Lx18: Ada/Ava and Monkeys included in the list of best shows of 2018!
In Newspaper Expresso
★ ADA/AVA by Manual Cinema and MONKEYS by Amit Drori included in the List of Best Shows of 2018, in newspaper Expresso ★
Shows presented within the FIMFA Lx18 - International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms, at São Luiz Teatro Municipal.
"In FIMFA, Ada/Ava, shadow theatre and projections, by the North American Manual Cinema, contributed to the artistic invention in the world of animated forms, in which Amit Drori proposed, with Monkeys, a project in which the scene is populated only by robots."
-João Carneiro - Expresso, Revista E, p. 78 (22-12-2018)
To know more about Ada/Ava | To know more about Monkeys
★ ADA/AVA by Manual Cinema and MONKEYS by Amit Drori included in the List of Best Shows of 2018, in newspaper Expresso ★
Shows presented within the FIMFA Lx18 - International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms, at São Luiz Teatro Municipal.
"In FIMFA, Ada/Ava, shadow theatre and projections, by the North American Manual Cinema, contributed to the artistic invention in the world of animated forms, in which Amit Drori proposed, with Monkeys, a project in which the scene is populated only by robots."
-João Carneiro - Expresso, Revista E, p. 78 (22-12-2018)
To know more about Ada/Ava | To know more about Monkeys