- A Tarumba Puppetry and Animated Forms: 25 Years
A Tarumba - Puppetry and Animated Forms: 25 Years
A book on A Tarumba and the puppetry arts, with articles wrote by programmers, critics, researchers and artists, such as Didier Plassard, João Carneiro, Gonçalo Frota, Renaud Herbin, Isabelle Bertola and Claire Dancoisne, among others.
Editorial Design: Flúor Studio Design Advisors
Bilingual edition (Portuguese-English) | 2018 | €20,00
The book can be bought in the bookshop of Teatro Nacional D. Maria II or you can order through our email info@tarumba.org
The fingers of our hands are no longer enough to count the 25 years of the company A Tarumba – Teatro de Marionetas, manipulating and bringing the inanimate into life. Tarumba means to be confused or perplexed, astounded, fascinated... words that express the general feeling of the company towards this form of art. In this quarter of a century, the company as toured the world and develops several iniciatives, aiming to contribute, mix and connect different artistic languages, audiences and performers. Apart from the shows and the training actions, such as the Funicular Project (a programme of international workshops), A Tarumba is also in charge of the annual programme and production of FIMFA Lx - International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms, since 2001, which has been one of the most acknowledged festivals both nationally and internationally.

Índice | Table of Contents
Tudo o que aprendi na minha vida, aprendi, porque decidi tentar algo novo.
Everything I learned in my life, I learned because I decided to try something new.
- David Lynch
1. Romper - Começar - Desbravar To break through - To start - To explore - 5
VIEIRA, Luís; RIBEIRO, Rute - A Tarumba - Teatro de Marionetas: 25 anos a criar mundos imaginários
A Tarumba - Teatro de Marionetas: 25 years creating imaginary worlds - 6
PINTO, Catarina Vaz - A Tarumba: 25 anos
A Tarumba: 25 years - 8
CARNEIRO, João - Há 25 anos
For 25 years - 10
HIPÓLITO, Luís - Um lugar com vistas a perder de vista
A place with endless views - 12
BARROS, Isabel - Plus tard ce sera trop tard. Notre vie c’est maintenant
Later it will be too late. Our life is now - 14
PLASSARD, Didier - Ilusão contínua e ilusão descontínua no palco das marionetas
Continuous illusion and discontinuous illusion on the puppet stage - 16
Por vezes as marionetas parecem vampiros. Elas vivem, e tu estás esgotado.
Puppets seem like vampires sometimes. They live, and you're depleted.
- Henry Selick
2. Abrir o palco - Experimentar - Confundir To open up the stage - To experiment - To confuse - 23
VIEIRA, Luís; RIBEIRO, Rute - Um projeto de afetos: 25 anos de memórias e espetáculos
A project of affections: 25 years of memories and shows - 24
Eu tenho uma definição ampla sobre o que é uma marioneta. Para mim, todo este teatro é como um grande instrumento que animamos.
I have a really broad definition of what a puppet is, so to me this whole theater is like a big instrument that we're animating.
- Basil Twist
3. Partilhar o labirinto: animar o inanimado To share the labyrinth: animating the inanimate - 83
FIMFA Lx - Festival Internacional de Marionetas e Formas Animadas
FIMFA Lx – International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms - 84
FROTA, Gonçalo - 25 anos a mostrar os fios da humanidade
25 years showing the strings of humanity - 94
HERBIN, Renaud - No centro dos desafios da marioneta contemporânea: o papel decisivo dos espaços de produção e difusão na mudança de práticas
Central to the challenges facing contemporary puppetry is the decisive role that the spaces where the shows are produced and performed play in the changing of practices - 100
SEELING, Joseph; LANNAGHAN, Helen - London International Mime Festival: quatro décadas de teatro visual contemporâneo
London International Mime Festival - four decades of contemporary visual theatre - 104
DABS, Annette - Uma carta do Festival FIDENA
A letter from the FIDENA Festival - 108
NIO, Kalle - A Magia e o Teatro de Marionetas
Magic and Puppetry - 110
TRANTER, Neville - Uma Arte de Precisão
An Art of Precision - 112
MOTTRAM, Stephen - Porquê Marionetas de Fios?
Why Marionettes? - 114
SOSTMANN, Moritz - Teatro, Teatro de Marionetas e Empatia
Theatre, Puppetry and Empathy - 116
Foi uma transição muito natural passar das artes plásticas e da escultura para as marionetas de Punch and Judy; a escultura simplesmente ganhou vida.
It was a very natural transition from the visual arts and sculpture to the Punch and Judy puppets; It was just the sculpture that came to life.
- Rod Burnett
4. O ritual da passagem: a liberdade das formas
The rite of passage: the freedom of forms - 119
O Projeto Funicular e outros Programas de Formação
The Funicular Project and other training programmes - 120
FIRMO, Catarina - Respigar, experimentar, manipular - coordenadas e desvios na investigação sobre marionetas e formas animadas
Gleaning, experimenting, manipulating – guidelines and deviations within the research on puppetry and animated forms - 128
FALCÃO, Miguel - O reconhecimento de um cosmos: entre a criação, a formação e a investigação
The recognition of a cosmos: between creation, training and research - 130
Há demasiadas almas de madeira para que não se amem as personagens de madeira
que têm uma alma.
There are too many souls of wood not to love those wooden characters
who do indeed have a soul.
- Jean Cocteau
5. Um espaço de criação e experimentação artística. O futuro. Uma utopia?
A space for artistic experiment and creation. The future. A utopia? - 137
VIEIRA, Luís; RIBEIRO, Rute - Olhar para o futuro sem medo de arriscar e partilhar: um espaço para todos
Looking at the future without the fear of risking and sharing: a space for everybody - 138
BERTOLA, Isabelle - Do Théâtre de la Marionnette à Paris ao Mouffetard – Théâtre des arts de la marionnette: um longo percurso militante
From the Théâtre de la Marionnette à Paris to the Mouffetard – Théâtre des arts de la marionnette: a long and difficult battle - 142
DANCOISNE, Claire - Théâtre La Licorne: uma companhia, um espaço, um sonho
Théâtre La Licorne: a company, a space, a dream - 148
O tempo é apenas memória e desejo.
Time is just memory mixed with desire.
- Tom Waits
6. Crónicas de uma grande aventura Chronicles of a great adventure - 155
Notas biográficas
Biographical notes - 196